Citizens Police Academy
The annual Academy is a tuition-free comprehensive classroom and hands-on educational program presented by Granbury Police and other Law Enforcement personnel to provide a transparent view of the police department and an effective relationship with Granbury and its neighbors, aged 21 and older.
The 30-hour Academy consists of 3-hour classes over 10 consecutive weeks with meals provided by Academy Alumni. Topics include criminal investigation, crime prevention, domestic violence, juvenile law, DWI procedures, an introduction to the Special Response Team, and many more.
”Excellence Through
Cooperative Education”

Citizens Police Academy Alumni
Graduates of the Citizens Police Academy are offered the unique opportunity to join CPAA, the alumni organization of volunteers supporting (and supported by) the Granbury Police Department and promoting an effective relationship with them.
Support includes:
- Fundraising and provision of equipment, events and benevolence not covered by the governmental budget.
- Continuing education of law enforcement issues at our monthly membership meetings.
- Supplementing police duties such as intersection control at parades.

on Patrol
The Citizen On Patrol is a Citizens Police Academy Alumnus with a desire to provide non-confrontational
support to Granbury Police patrol officers and with the availability for more intensive training.
The C.O.P. program is designed to reduce crime in the community with the obvious presence of an additional vehicle and with additional “eyes and years” on the streets.
C.O.P. members are called to help with directing traffic, acting as wrecker stand-by, motorist assists, close patrols, accidents, attempts to locate, and other various duties as directed by the PD or its officers.